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by (120 points)
A few little tips - 1) when doing hanging baskets and wall planters - put a disposable nappy (or 2 depending on size of planter) plastic side down in the bottom of the basket or planter. Not only does that stop water draining out but the water retaining gel in the nappy keeps roots nice and damp! 2) if you are scattering seeds add a generous amount of pepper (cayenne or chilli powder work too! ). The Tweety birds might swoop for a seed or two - but they probably won't come back! 3) plant a Comfrey plant. Cut it back regularly, put the cuttings in a bucket of water. Leave it to rot down. When it's really smelly water your veg etc with it. Best plant food you will ever have! 4) Do as above with your tomato plant leaves in the greenhouse. Put the leaves in water, feed back to tomato plants, perfect liquid feed - and free! 5) Use potatoes for shrub cuttings. Push cut stem into a decent sized spud. Keep in a sheltered cool shady place. Perfect host - always damp, soft enough for new roots to push through. After 7 - 10 days plant in to bed or pot IN the potato. Works well. I have even had success with rose cuttings in a humble spud! 6) pests in your house plants or greenhouse pots? Push a clove of garlic in to the pot, close to the stem. It may grow shoots, leave them grow. Bugs and pests hate garlic! 7) last one - for now . The sachets of plant food you get with supermarket flowers are perfect for adding to water for indoor orchids or geraniums. Don't put them in the flower water! You can't feed something that is dead! Add a dessert spoon of bleach to your flower vase and your flowers will last longer! Happy gardening! Bye for now!  
A few little tips - 1) when doing hanging baskets and wall planters - put a disposable nappy (or 2 d

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