+4 votes
by (190 points)
My lovely friend Gill thought you guys might be able to help with my question. Our garden faces due west and is open to the south, or was till last year when the neighbours put a fence up (it used to be a low wall). In the summer the border gets a fairly decent amount of sun, but in the winter with the sun so low and setting so far south it now gets no light at all. Am thinking of putting up some kind of reflective material (at first I was thinking mirrors but then I thought FIRE! ) on the garage wall opposite the border in the winter to get some light on it. Any thoughts? Any ideas on the type of product I could use that I can put up in winter and take down in summer? In case you're thinking, move the plants, I can't until the rabbit dies, most of the rest of the garden is taken up by the rabbit run.  
My lovely friend Gill thought you guys might be able to help with my question.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (13.6k points)
It's such a shame that people are putting up high 'privacy' fences. There are so many costs to neighbours.  
by (190 points)
I agree. We bought the house 8 years ago and were so happy to have a low wall when so many other houses already had tall fences. At least we got 8 years.  
by (13.6k points)
@bornie it's a recent thing I don't understand. I'm so sorry because quality of life is a pearl beyond price.  
+3 votes
by (210 points)
If it is blocking the sun you can request them to take it down
by (190 points)
It's only blocking the sun onto one border in the winter because the sun sets so far south. The border gets direct sunlight in the summer as the sunset moves further north.  
by (120 points)
Legally you only have a right of light into your windows not your garden, so a fence or big tree blocking sun to your garden is under no obligation to remove it
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