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by (120 points)
Hi guys, just a lil bit of advice, I have a tree growing at the top of my garden, actually split grown between my garden and the garden leading off the back of mine. Fence is dead smack in the middle . Anyway last year we cut our side back as branches were just snapping off in the wind, when we looked at the branches, the branches were like powder inside, This year it's the same but with ants using the inside of the branches to travel up and down. I didn't even know that was possible. The last lot of wind we had has blown loads of branches down, now I have just cut the tree right down. But I can't remove because of how its grown. What is the best way to deal with this situation? Or is there anyway to actually save the tree?.  
Hi guys, just a lil bit of advice, I have a tree growing at the top of my garden, actually split gro

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