+3 votes
by (170 points)
Hi.  I know daffodils are supposed to be left to die down but I couldn’t get into the garden much last year so my other half planted the bulbs.Hi. I know daffodils are supposed to be left to die down but I couldn’t get into the garden much last year so my other half planted the bulbs. He did really well but put some in places which are now looking a bit scrappy. Can I take them up and store them?  
Hi.  I know daffodils are supposed to be left to die down but I couldn’t get into the garden much

2 Answers

0 votes
by (13.7k points)
Once leaves die back, yes, put a stick or something in the ground to remind you where they are
by (170 points)
@pedro9 I’m being a bit impatient. Want them up before the leaves die off. Can I put them in another pot of compost till later in the year do you think? It’s only a few but don’t like losing anything.  
by (13.7k points)
Leaves make food for plant bulb stores it, let the plant do it's thing or not get much flower next year. Personally, don't disturb them, as if you lift and transplant will damage many small roots in the process. but your garden, your choice
by (170 points)
@pedro9 ok. Thanks.  
+3 votes
by (6.9k points)
Dead head them, then tie the leaves up so they are out of your way
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