+7 votes
by (9.4k points)
Howdy all!  I need your tool recommendations.Howdy all! I need your tool recommendations. It's been a few years since I had to completely rebuild an account from scratch, but the most recent broadening of match types leaves me no choice but to blow up my largest account and start over. What tools are out there these days to make that easier? I have several hundred keywords with enough volume to care about, I need to layer mod broad, phrase, and exact ad groups, and install enough negatives at every level that we don't have massive poaching going on. I know exactly how I want the campaigns structured. I don't need your advice on how to run search campaigns. I have been doing that since before GoTo was created. I just need to know what tools you recommend.  
Howdy all!  I need your tool recommendations.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (2.3k points)
You need PPC Samurai
by (9.4k points)
They're good friends but as far as I know they have no tools for building or restructuring campaigns.  
by (2.3k points)
@eastern are you sure you're not thinking of Market Samurai? PPC Samurai is a PPC automation platform:  
by (9.4k points)
@bitty354 yes, I know what it is. I don’t believe it can help me build these campaigns. Am I wrong?  
by (2.3k points)
(I've only just started using it so. ) I asked this question in the PPC Sam FB group and the response was this: "Yes that’s possible as long as the keywords are already loaded into the account. If not I’d recommend either Speed PPC or PPC Campaign Generator" . hope that helps. (BTW don't you want -exact as well as -phrase in your AG1: Mod Broad? )
by (9.4k points)
@bitty354 the phrase match also covers the exact match, when you’re using it as a negative match.  
by (2.3k points)
Good point. I guess I just don't trust G to play fair with any of their KW types anymore. even negs.  
by (9.4k points)
@bitty354 negatives have to keep working or it breaks a whole bunch of stuff. But yeah. Exact match today is broader than the original broad match from 2003. Word order doesn’t matter. Extra words in the query don’t matter. I’m just trying to get my campaigns into a structure where I can have manageable containers and I can quickly apply a new negative to just broad, broad+phrase, or the whole stack, without hunting around for all the places those queries are going to appear.  
by (9.4k points)
If search campaigns had a concept of Priority like shopping, we would have perfect control again. Oh well.  
+5 votes
by (5k points)
Google Ads Editor
+1 vote
by (420 points)
What do you want the tool to do that Google doesn't do for free? Auto disable bad keywords?  
by (9.4k points)
The layered structure. Joel McDonald has a tool out there that generates campaigns full of SPAGs, I'm looking for something that will let me have: AG1: Mod Broad -phrase AG2: Phrase -exact AG3: Exact
by (9.4k points)
Or anything that will let me do it by hand faster than Google Ads editor or Excel (which is faster than Editor)
by (550 points)
Our company hired a software firm to build a tool like that. It cost over half a million but reduced build time from three hours to one. So if there’s a cheaper option for multi industries I would love to know. We originally built it in excel to build out all the ad group, keywords and negatives but it would break in excel once we exceeded 100 ad groups.  
by (1.2k points)
@eastern SPAG?  
by (9.4k points)
@acetic2 SKAG
+7 votes
by (4.3k points)
SpyFu helps a lot
by (9.4k points)
@warton6 Does Spyfu help build campaigns?  
by (4.3k points)
@eastern Their adgroups tool helps
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