+3 votes
by (230 points)
Hello, My food is expected to arrive in Friday! I’m getting everything lined out & ready. Printed off the daily journal & noticed a space for BP & BS. What do these stand for? ‍♀️ Also, while I have you here, BCAAs, I’m not clear on these.  Are they strongly encouraged? Thank you
Hello, My food is expected to arrive in Friday!

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (11.2k points)
Probably blood pressure and blood sugar. There is a file in the group files about BCAAs.  
by (230 points)
@corrincorrina , Ahhh , blood sugar!  
+1 vote
by (11.2k points)
BCAAS (Info also in the files) Branch Chain Amino Acids help your body retain and repair lean muscle mass when used just before exercise. Here is a list admin Diane (a runner) suggests reviewing:  She uses MusclePharm and Xtend and recommends adding more water than called for because the taste is sweet/strong. Drink right before workout or during.  
by (230 points)
@corrincorrina , THANK YOU. I did find & read the file. It doesn’t seem to put as much emphasis on these as it does the supplements. I was just curious. Thank you very much. I’m so excited to be joining you soon!  
+3 votes
by (14.7k points)
Bcaas are more encouraged if you are working out burning 250+ calories. If that is the case you also need to read the Exercise file. Anyone can take the bcaas but not super necessary for the less active person.  
by (230 points)
@footrope , I appreciate the information. Thank you
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