+11 votes
by (1.9k points)
4 days in and down 10 pounds so far! It has definitely been a challenge to figure everything out but, every day I have learned more and more along the guidelines of IPA. Something that’s going to be very hard for me personally is not drinking with all my friends and summer being on the boat and everyone around me is drinking. I just turned 22 so it’s mostly the phase I’m going through of wanting to have a beer with dinner etc. I know it will get easier but the temptation definitely is everywhere. What’s some things that some of you struggle with the most being on IPA? I’m hoping that some of the struggles can be helped with the advice from others in this group  
4 days in and down 10 pounds so far!

7 Answers

0 votes
by (650 points)
I’m 10 years older then you and having a drink or two on the weekend is probably still the hardest  That and not eating a handful of goldfish when the kids are eating them. And trying to figure out non-food related dates with the hubby. We don’t get the chance to go out often and when we do we have no idea what to do or where to go  
by (1.9k points)
@hexapartite in the summer we go every Sunday to the beach and all of our friends go and drink all day and hangout in the sun and it’s going to be so hard not to. I know it will be worth it but I hope I have the self control when that time comes to not fall into temptation. I have been putting myself in tempting situations like going to the bar with my friends and just drinking water the whole time so I can basically train myself to get used to it now before summer. Idk if it will help but I hope it does! I just have resorted to eating before I go if I go out to eat with someone. Or like tonight we are going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and I’ll just have steak and double broccoli or something along those lines like a side salad and bring my own dressing.  
by (380 points)
@finsen10 it really helped me to take long water with an enhancer like lemonade. I would put it over lots of ice and add a lime. Kinda felt like I was drinking a margarita. Also, I would save my unrestricted chips and pretzels, or make a fresh salsa and use celery to dip.  
0 votes
by (1.2k points)
Keep taking things one day at a time. I found going out to a bar or concert it was good to bring an IP snack with me just in case. I carried around the nuts. I never ate them but they served as a reminder to keep on track. Have plenty of water with you and go enjoy things. Keep reminding yourself of your goal. Be prepared for the unexpected. A baggy of celery or cucumbers can get your vegetable goals for a meal and be a good way to pretend you are enjoying some cookies or chips when everyone is having fun. Good luck and enjoy the journey to your goal.  
by (1.9k points)
@lithotrity this was really helpful advice. Thank you . especially thinking about one day at a time.  
by (1.2k points)
@finsen10 if you need any old person IPA advice feel free to ask. I’m no expert but I’ll be happy to share what works for me. I’m back doing it a couple weeks after 6 months pretending to be 22 again. Focus is the key for me.  
0 votes
by (560 points)
Congrats on your weight loss. You will figure out what works for you by the time summer arrives.  
by (1.9k points)
@sedgewake I’m just hoping to be able to fit in a swimsuit by the time summer arrives !  thank you
by (560 points)
@finsen10 Me too!  
0 votes
by (150 points)
I went to a sales meeting and drank club soda with a lime. No one knew I wasn’t drinking and I felt a placebo effect and was able to relax a little too! I used to be a huge partier and when I cut my drinking down I swear it was harder for my friends than it was for me!  
0 votes
by (150 points)
It’s really just a small portion of life if you think about it! You’ll be partaking again (smartly) when you’ve reached your goal!  
by (1.9k points)
@idou1 that’s what I keep saying to myself. in phase 2 can you drink again? (Smartly)
by (150 points)
Not until phase 4. Phase 2 and 3 are not long though. Toughest part of alcohol is the munchies you get when you drink!  
by (1.9k points)
@idou1 I could curve the munchies lol the no drinking part is the hardest with all of the friends I have  
0 votes
by (1k points)
This is my greatest struggle too.  
by (1.9k points)
@oversight good to know I’m not the only one!  
by (1k points)
But here’s a good thing to remember. Not only is it unsafe to drink on this plan, alcohol also inhibits weight loss by holding onto fat calories. So if you do drink during weight loss (do not do it! ) you’re literally halting all progress.  
0 votes
by (1.9k points)
I too enjoy wine or a cocktail - I figure 3 months is not that long and I'll enjoy a wine now and then after goal. My husband is not drinking with me and that helps immensely. We also have decided that we are going to be homebodies during this time - much easier that way.  
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