+10 votes
by (300 points)
Hi Ladies, need help!  What is the best baby monitor?Hi Ladies, need help! What is the best baby monitor? Looking for one that is fairly easy to use but would love if it could track breathing. I’m already paranoid and baby hasn’t even arrived yet! Thank you in advance!  
Hi Ladies, need help!  What is the best baby monitor?

7 Answers

+4 votes
by (730 points)
Best answer
We use an infant optics DXR-8 and most of my friends do too. It doesn't track breathing, but I bought a breathable mattress this time around that gave me peace of mind. I've read mixed reviews on different breathing monitors - they are not medical devices and can't be relied on so I never got one.  
by (1.8k points)
@caribou, this! I REALLY wanted an Owlet until I actually did research on it. They are recommended against by the AAP for several reasons including- false monitoring, missing a true emergency, and giving parents an unsafe feeling of "security" so they don't check baby as often as need to. I'm not saying any of this would definitely apply to you, but, seriously do some research before purchasing a breathing monitor. If you are following the ABCs of Safe Sleep to a T, your baby has an under 1% chances of SIDS.  
+4 votes
by (3.4k points)
We love our Infant Optics Monitor. My daughter is almost a year and a half, however when I was researching monitors that tracked breathing I couldn’t find any with great reviews. I ended up getting an Owlet and have loved it.  
+8 votes
by (650 points)
We have the owl for breathing and heart rate monitoring and the lollipop for a monitor. Love the lollipop because it’s so easy to bring anywhere and attach to anything as well as one of the few baby monitors if u have two kids, u can watch both monitors at the same time.  
+4 votes
by (280 points)
Owlet is the way to go. We love ours! A family member prefers Angelcare but I have zero experience with it.  
+10 votes
by (910 points)
I have a Baby Snuza Hero that I never used or even opened. I’d be happy to give it to you at 50% off.  
+5 votes
by (2.4k points)
We are also an infant optics family and like the monitor but we have just had to replace the monitor for the second time! For some reason just after a year it has stopped taking a charge and this has now happened to us twice now. It’s become an expensive monitor for us - but it’s still been great.  
0 votes
by (1.2k points)
We use the Nanit! We have twins that were 10 weeks premature. I wanted the owlet too because I was so used to them being monitored for their breathing and oxygen saturation and I was very anxious. I will say that all the drs and nurses were very adamant about NOT using the owlet. No evidence to support that it reduces SIDS and even the most advanced monitors at the hospitals get false readings or go off when baby is moving or squirming in a particular way. If you want it for your peach of mind I totally understand that! But it tracks breathing, HR, and oxygen saturation which can provide false readings more often. I still wanted the peach of mind so we settled on the Nanit. It just monitors breaths per minute using the camera. We have gotten false readings but at least we were able to check on them and make sure they were breathing. Making sure we were following safe sleep guidelines was my biggest peace of mind.  
by (300 points)
@shirelyshirey6276 Thank you!  
by (1.2k points)
@potts of course! Good luck! Hope you find what will work best for you. I know I don’t get any sleep unless I feel comfortable that they are safe. So even if that means using the owlet I know that works for a lot of people.  
by (300 points)
@shirelyshirey6276 I am so nervous  
by (1.2k points)
It’s definitely nerve wracking! Especially when they are so tiny! Ours are almost 9 months and I still check to make sure they are breathing a lot. We haven’t been using the monitoring for a while now but once we move them into their own room I will probably start again just for peace of mind! I try to remind myself that as long as I’m following safe sleep practices then I shouldn’t need to worry. Easier said than done for sure.  
by (300 points)
@shirelyshirey6276 haha! Thank you so much. Be well!  
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