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by (120 points)
Been a while since I posted but I’ve got a question. This might be long and confusing so I apologize. So yesterday I moved out of my old place with a very toxic roommate. I paid a $800 deposit to the girl I moved with. I wasn’t on the lease because of my credit issues which would have made the deposit even more. Turns out she treated my deposit as her money and told the person taking over my room that it was a $500 deposit. So I got $500 back. She claims she can’t cover the other $300 which is possible because she has health issues and insurance doesn’t cover it all anymore. Now she is requesting money for January utilities. I doubt I will ever see the other $300 and am considering not paying the utilities. Any suggestions of what I should do in this matter? Any help is appreciated.  
Been a while since I posted but I’ve got a question.

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