+8 votes
by (1.7k points)
I need an outlet and a smart app that will trigger when power to a device is turned on (not when the outlet is turned on, but the device - TV that is plugged into it is powered up). Any suggestions? I'd prefer not to have to use Webcore, etc. for this.  
I need an outlet and a smart app that will trigger when power to a device is turned on (not when the

3 Answers

0 votes
by (12.9k points)
Ok. so you'll need one smart plug capable of reading power usage. and another smart plug that will turn on when that power usage becomes greater than "X". Peanut plugs ($15-ish on Amazon) are good for this. As for the logic, WebCoRE is by far the easiest.  
by (1.7k points)
I have Peanut plugs. but they don't seem to read power usage. What DH are you using for them?  
by (1.7k points)
@unclothe1851 Thank you very much. I'm going to be putting that in place right now. Much appreciated!  
by (1.7k points)
I got the device drivers in, but it seems you need to upgrade the FW and that requires an Almond device (bah! ). Hopefully, someone will figure out how to do that with ST.  
by (11k points)
@mccrory It's super easy, if your peanuts aren't reading power - get any number other outlets that read power; Zooz, GE, other. and then add logic like @unclothe1851 was mentioning. When power goes from 0 (or rest level) watts to 28watts or whatever your device usage range is, you know the device is on. Easy. I do something similar. When plug in my mobile to charge at night, it triggers my Good Night routine, using the power draw as the trigger. I can charge elsewhere, but the nightstand charger is only used when I go to bed, so it shuts everything down without me doing anything except plugging my phone in. When power drops to zero on another appliance plug, I know the wash is done, and an RGBW bulb at the top of the stairs flashes green every minute as a reminder. Lots of uses.  
by (12.9k points)
@mccrory bummer - I must have newer firmware on my peanut (
by (1.7k points)
@sixpack do you know of any internal outlet replacements that have this capability. It just occurred to me if I could replace the wall outlet (behind the plate) it would make it that much tougher for my 140+ IQ son to realize what I was doing. This kid has defeated every parental control we have tried from the time he was able to walk.  
by (11k points)
@mccrory Lol, clever kid. Sorry, I don't know any wired options with power monitoring, but I'm sure they must exist. I've only used plug in options so far.  
by (1.1k points)
These are search results and not recommendations: Plug -  Wall outlet - https://www. amazon. com/dp/B07FKW42P6/
by (10.2k points)
@mccrory I saw a post where someone said their grandmother would cut the plug off of the gaming system if the child used it when not allowed and the wire it back up. Said when the cord got short things got serious. Also seen a small lock put through the cord prong hole and well the cord just removed.  
by (1.4k points)
Arent the smartthings plugs the same cost as the peanuts? If so what's the advantage of the peanut plug?  
by (12.9k points)
@rap718 price. Peanut plugs are often 14. 99 and sometimes on sale for 9. 99
by (1.4k points)
@unclothe1851 ahh cool thanks! I'll keep my eyes open for that sale!  
+4 votes
by (10.2k points)
Any zigbee or zwave plug/outlet that does energy monitoring will let you do this. There are many.  
+3 votes
by (8.7k points)
Just get a Smartthings outlet (which reads power) and call it a day. Might be a few more $$ but get it and set it and forget it. It will work very easily, and I believe you can use the native ST routines with it for what you want to do. If not, webcore will do it.  
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