+111 votes
by (1.3k points)
Guys.  I’m stuck.Guys. I’m stuck. How do you find the motivation to keep going every single day? I have restarted about 1000x. I’ll lose like 10 lbs and then quit. I even lost 50 lbs once and quit and gained it all back, plus some. I’m over it  I don’t know how to stick to it. I don’t know how you change bad habits you’ve spent a lifetime establishing. I don’t know how keep choosing grilled chicken over pizza. Or water over wine. I’m struggling hard and I just feel like it’s almost pointless, like I’ll always be fat and I should just accept it.
How do you find the motivation to keep going every single day?

94 Answers

+94 votes
by (3.2k points)
Best answer
An elderly lady at one of my meetings said to our group “Well, sometimes you’ve just got to put on your big girl panties and DO IT! ” Everyone roared.  
by (2.7k points)
@radiosurgery I miss the meetings, our location no longer has them . We had some colorful sweet gals that made it real. And fun. Lighthearted.  
by (3.2k points)
@enfeoff100 Oh I’m sorry about that. Sometimes it’s the members and sometimes it’s the leader that makes it fun. It’s kind of hard to go when it’s boring. At least now we have fb. I made lifetime in the ‘90s. But life happens and I’m trying to get back.  
by (2.7k points)
@radiosurgery that is so awesome. I’ve done on again and off again, never reaching lifetime but even when I’m not doing WW I’ve adopted so many healthy habits. I mean as the meetings and never thot I’d do good with the app but I’m actually doing better. Just hit 10 pounds (again) and feeling hopeful.  
by (3.2k points)
@enfeoff100 awesome  .  
+74 votes
by (1.4k points)
It can't be all or nothing! Find the balance that works for you.  
+87 votes
by (7k points)
There's a difference between motivation and determination. It's a mindset you Have to get to and push yourself every single day. I've tried so many diets and just gave in until FINALLY my mindset changed. I stopped making excuses and FOOD PREPPED! That has been the biggest game changer. When there is healthy food ready to go, it's much easier to grab that than order pizza. It only takes 30 days to form a new habit. You can do this! You can still eat pizza but find healthier alternatives. (Cauliflower crust, 2 ingredient dough, 1 point flatouts etc)
+78 votes
by (2.3k points)
I’ve lost 65 over 20 months. All I can say is that I’ve lost a taste for some of the things I used to eat, and I eat sparingly of the things I can’t give up. I have to be mindful, everyday. Good luck! You can do it!  
+89 votes
by (3.4k points)
Small goals and meal prep. I am in the same boat but I will not give up. My current goal is 6 lbs.  
+94 votes
by (3.2k points)
I have a banana and Premium Protein drink for breakfast (2 point), try to keep lunch at 8 or less points, dinner is whatever I cook for my husband and measure my food (the 13 point left, blue plan). Try to save my weeklies for the weekend when I treat myself to the special things (pizza or bread). Zero point snacks are easy. I have a supportive husband who likes the air fryer so we can have a few fries now and then. Hang in there, everyday is a struggle whether it's weight loss or life. One day at a time. 13. 4 pounds in six weeks.  
+79 votes
by (11.1k points)
No it is not diet is a life style - you can have anything in moderation and tracking - stay away from sugar and salt if one can  - you need to want it good luck  
+83 votes
by (1.6k points)
Don't give up Kelley! Set urself a target, and even if u don't get there try again. It's hard to do but u have my support. Keep goin, one step at a time. I'm tryin too and some days I want to throw my teddy bear out of the pram but my confidence I have gets me through it! U go girl!  
+92 votes
by (3.2k points)
It’s hard. Some days much harder than some. For me, those really hard days are the days I have to force myself to stay with it. Being overweight is harder for me than even the hardest day on WW. So I continue. Keeping my mind on my why- and I remember that being 61 pounds heavier was so limiting- so unhealthy- so damn hard. So I keep on doing the program. Because I know it works. It works every day. So I keep on. Knowing that I , you and we are worth it.  
+88 votes
by (1.3k points)
I'm reading every comment because I feel the same. Thanks for the honest, truthful, realistic encouragement! Now I will do push-ups! I could only do 3 three weeks ago! Here goes 5  
+33 votes
by (7.4k points)
I’m in the same boat, Kelley, had so much determination and lost all my weight but I’ve already gained half of it back. So I’m not one who should be giving advice here. However, I see you are young with a small child. Can you focus on your child and remind yourself this is about him as much as you? Do it for him. He deserves a healthy, happy mom. Get rid of the unhealthy food in the house, take the temptations away. When you get your mindset right and start losing, you won’t believe how happy you will feel. Let that drive you to lose more. Talk to a councilor if you can or do some motivational reading. I wish you luck, you have a beautiful family, lose the weight for them as well as you, it truly is worth the effort! Don’t give up!  
by (1.3k points)
@otis4819 Bussmann thank you ❤️❤️
+87 votes
by (5.1k points)
Just keep you "WHY" forefront in your mind every day.! Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!  
+16 votes
by (2.7k points)
Don't accept being fat. Just keep at it. Start again. And again. And again. Do it 2000 times if necessary. Don't give up on yourself. This isn't an easy thing so don't beat yourself up so much. What would you tell someone you loved who told you the same thing you just told us? You would probably tell them they are worth the effort, that you'll be there if they need you and that you believe in them. Do all those things for yourself.  
+27 votes
by (2.2k points)
Ive only lost about 5lbs so far. But heres what i like about the program. Its all in moderation. You can have anything, in moderation. I still eat pizza and fries. For instance tomorrow is pizza day. Who turns down a whole pizza for $7? Not me. So i plan my points around my pizza. I know i will want two slices. So i enter that in the morning and then plan my lunch and breakfast around it. Thursdays i go out for dinner with family. I will eat light all day so when i go out i can have my coors light, and whatever the healthiest thing on the menu is that day that fits best into my points. You have to create habits. 21 days to create a habit. Am i perfect in doing these things I say? No, but i am trying!  
by (1.3k points)
@nabalas669 I love this!  
+77 votes
by (1.6k points)
Don’t choose grilled chicken over pizza. eat pizza. Once we feel restricted, we quit.  
+69 votes
by (2.4k points)
Eat everything but control portions , you can do it good luck
+84 votes
by (4.9k points)
I think when my why hit home. It's the keep at it every day. Eat the pizza just not the whole pizza. Portions helps. Exercise helps. It's slow so just keep doing it. It's the long haul we are after. Recognize what details you. It's ok to plateau. Prayers. We have all been here with you.  
+77 votes
by (2.8k points)
It’s ok you tried. Just try and make the right choices when you can. You tried. Good luck
+78 votes
by (1.5k points)
Don't give up don't be negetive. Love what u eat . Give up sugar wheat oil starch and see the difference
+27 votes
by (1.4k points)
When people go through bariatric surgery, they have to go through months of counseling to work with their food issues / addiction. It’s easy for some to say, “just power through” but is there something maybe you need to work through? Is it as simple as pizza tastes good and is simple and I don’t want to take the extra time to cook chicken? Are you bored with your healthier, lower point options? I honestly think it depends on what your hurdles are. For me it’s staying out of the break room when there are cookies in there. I ate 4 cookies the other day . And sometimes I’m too tired to cook, but I’ve found a few low-point options that I can grab at the grocery store in the same time I could grab fast food (like Panera’s chicken tortilla soup from the deli ). Meal prepping makes a big difference for me. I stay on track more when I prep my breakfasts and lunches for the week on Sunday. Are you hungry? Do you need to fill up with more fruits and veggies and water to get you through the day? Are you emotionally eating? I feel like we need more info.  
+81 votes
by (5.4k points)
Don't just accept it but don't make it so hard or such a battle within yourself either. Slow down, go at your pace, your frustrating yourself competing for the finish line. Lighten up on you.  
+75 votes
by (1.4k points)
Also I read something along the lines of when you have a flat tire, you don’t slash all 4 tires. You replace the tire and move on. Same with your life. If you have pizza, don’t beat yourself up. Tomorrow is a new day and get back on track. Enjoy your life. ❤️
+74 votes
by (1.4k points)
Eat the pizza. Have the wine. But not every day. Make smart choices 80% of the time and you will see results.  
+63 votes
by (2k points)
Never give up. We are worth it!  
+80 votes
by (3.6k points)
Food addiction is real. There is help available.  
+93 votes
by (3.1k points)
I knew I needed to change my eating habits once I was put on medication for high blood pressure and high cholesterol! It’s been 1 year 5 months and I have lost 56 lbs. I have 1. 6 lbs to go to make goal but I keep missing it. Don’t give up and don’t get discouraged, but cut out carbs and change your eating habits or it will come right back.  
+26 votes
by (7.4k points)
@verner sit down and do some soul searching. Think back to when you first started. what was your "why" back then? I too have had issues over the years and struggles, as I know everyone does. But this time for some reason I am feeling so good about my weight loss. Yes it is slow but it is going down. I am in my Zone. Finally found my why and am running with it. You can do this sweetie. Take it one day at a time and if that is still too overwelming break it down to 1 hour at a time. But hand in there. You will be happy you did.  
+86 votes
by (1.2k points)
I have the same struggles as you. Everyday I say ok tomorrow. Having young children, in my opinion, also makes it hard to stay motivated. Always on the go, eating last and eating their scraps, stress eating bad foods. All of it makes it hard to stay focused mentally and easy to give up. You aren’t alone. Take it one step at the time and remember who you are doing it for.  
+89 votes
by (1.9k points)
It takes 2 weeks to form a habit. Try to walk for 2 weeks straight then I think you will want to do it more. Some things that really help me is I never eat more than 2 pieces of pizza, I buy individual packs of chips and I never eat after 8pm. Little things really add up. Also get in the water habit. I flavor mine with great value orange. You can do this ♥️
+92 votes
by (1.1k points)
This may not be about willpower. It may be about connecting with yourself with the help of a counselor to identify why you are subconsciously making choices that aren’t aligning with your goals. Maybe you lost the 50 too quickly and your mind decided it was too much. You may need to do some work to understand why the weight loss is important. If you are doing it for someone else you will have a hard time maintaining loss. The other thing to consider is hormones. We all have them. At least once a monthI want to eat all sugar in sight.  
+81 votes
by (1.3k points)
Today is day 2 for me on try 5, 752. :D Don't give up. We are worth it.  
+68 votes
by (1.5k points)
First 4 mons are hard. Have more days of eating healthy than not.  
+83 votes
by (2.1k points)
I was feeling the same I’m sorta stuck not loosing it gaining this helped we are with it even if we gain a little it’s ok we won’t get kicked out I have to keep reminding myself if this also thanks guys I needed this
+99 votes
by (4.6k points)
I try and make things that I crave at restaurants or the bad thing is I might’ve wanted to eat in the past. I alter them in all different ways by changing out things like getting rid of noodles and making Zucchini noodles instead I made a fantastic stirfry the other day I would’ve never of known that it didn’t come from a Chinese restaurant and neither did my family. I’m finding that the more better choices that I make it home the easier this is. And I always lock my restaurants up before I go and weigh out whether or not the points are worth what I wanna order.  
+80 votes
by (1.3k points)
Go to the meetings each week regardless if it’s been a good week or not.  
+87 votes
by (2.6k points)
Go pay and become lifetime. u need accountability that's why I have to go to the meetings
+96 votes
by (1.8k points)
This quote really spoke to me. When you feel like quitting, remember this quote and keep going!  
by (1.3k points)
@ine927 so true ❤️
+97 votes
by (6.9k points)
You need to want it bad enough that it becomes a lifestyle choice to be healthy. We live in a world of immediate gratification. If it taste good eat it, well it takes a lot to say, but after I eat it I don’t feel good. We all got here by making a lifetime of bad choices but its you and only you that can say enough is enough and start doing this day by day. It’s not going to be easy, but it definitely will be well worth it!  
+58 votes
by (1.4k points)
I know how you feel  
+70 votes
by (1.3k points)
I’m in the same mind set. My family doesn’t want to change how they eat so I’m on my own and it’s tough
+42 votes
by (2.9k points)
You need to define your why - better health, being able to play with kids/grandkids, doing activities or fitting into spaces you can’t now? It’s not an either or - you can have pizza & wine there’s nothing you can’t have. You must plan for it. This is not a diet - it’s a lifestyle.  
+89 votes
by (5.9k points)
Pick a day once a week or every other week that you can have your pizza and wine. ENJOY IT! Keep in your points the rest of the time. I eat potato chips and mms on Thursdays -- the alternatives are OK, but I want real chips! I save my flex points for them (I'm doing the old plan) and I am still losing some each week, without feeling like I can't eat any 'fun' food. Also, find non-food rewards for yourself maybe even daily ones - like I enjoy quiet time with a cup of stevia sweeten tea, a book/magazine/newspaper, puzzles or coloring.  
+91 votes
by (1.6k points)
I quit focusing on my past bad habits and let go of worrying about all the choices I have to make in the future. All I deal with is if I can make a good choice right now. I find I can consistently make one good choice right now. Tomorrow takes care of itself. Don’t overthink the journey.  
+72 votes
by (2.2k points)
I have 1-2 slices of pizza and a big salad or a cup of soup. Yes, the pizza is 14 points, but I want it and I am satisfied. I save the majority of my points that day for me pizza!  
+77 votes
by (2.5k points)
I’m in a funk too. Just start over- we can do this! I’m trying to think about how yucky I feel when I over eat or eat Crap foods. That saying- nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. ❤️
+1 vote
by (1.9k points)
What always helps me is to go back to see where I started and where im at. Am I close am I really trying my hardest? You have to be hard on yourself without putting yourself down. Dont be negative and beat yourself up because you didnt try yesterday. You have today and the rest of your life to continue to try. wake up with the thought of okay today im starting over. Take it slow and then see how far you can go from there. Be positive. trust me even the ones that seem like they have it all together have days like this. Trust me. Been there. But wake up remembering why I do it. Just dont stop
+91 votes
by (2.9k points)
I have try diets my whole adult life I am 59 you name it I have done it my last was nutri system worked great lost 55lbs in 6 months but guess what gain it all back I think I am slim a cookie wont hurt chips wont hurt ice cream wont hurt ya it wont hurt if its once in a while I do it all the time and then shit its all back well I started on WW again but I am not giving up just keep trying it will happen don't beat yourself up everyone is not perfect
by (990 points)
@allness621 I am 59 also. When I was a baby my dad called me Lumpy. I’ve been battling weight my whole life except when I smoked. When I, quit smoking boy did I pack on the pounds. Tried every diet. I’ve been on ITB since November and gained 8. 8 lbs . I’ve got to get serious and need help. I have arthritis and with the weight I can hardly walk. I’m only 5’2.  
+73 votes
by (1.2k points)
I’m in the same place girl
+33 votes
by (1.9k points)
It isn't all about losing the weight, it is about making life changes to keep you healthy and around for a long time. On WW, it is a life changing of bad eating habits and moving onto better choices. You have to decide to you want to love a longer and healthy life? What was your "WHY" for wanting to get the weight off. You CAN do this IF YOU want to.  
+90 votes
by (2.2k points)
I think of ways to re-invent favorites to meet my salt or sweet tastes. I used 2 dark chocolate pizelles (2pts) and 2 Tablespoons of mint chocolate ice cream (2pts) - so I had a delicious ice cream sandwich for 4 pts.  
+77 votes
by (2.2k points)
Caramel rice cake with cool whip, cinnamon, and drizzle Hershey syrup. satisfies sweet, crunch, and something cold!  
+97 votes
by (4.6k points)
First get off the pity wagon. You want to be healthy and live a long life. If you decide on pizza stand in front of a mirror naked and see if you dont grab that chicken breast instead. You can do this come on now.  
by (1.3k points)
First it isn’t a pitty wagon. I feel bad. I’m allowed to get upset and frustrated and feel discouraged. It’s hard. It’s hard everyday. I’m not camping out here, I’m asking how do people press on. I’m trying.  
by (4.6k points)
@verner its hard. maintenance is harder at least for me. i make gummy bears and eat them when im craving but you get them all for 1 point.  
by (960 points)
@blanche if you really have struggled you would know we beat ourselves up enough without having someone beat on us. Good for you if you got it. But this should be a safe place for us to say what we are feeling without being scolded. When my children would say I can't do this I would encourage them. Not say stop your whining and do it. We all doubt ourselves at one time or another. You don't know what she may be going through. Let us show kindness.  
+77 votes
by (9.4k points)
Plan each week 1 day at a time. Don’t look too far ahead. Don’t get consumed by the number on the scale. I can help u with flexible dieting and counting calories
+86 votes
by (1.6k points)
I’m looking at this as a life style not a diet. I try to plan out a menu for the week and only purchase what I need. However I’m also being realistic, there are some days that I want something sweet or maybe some chips so I have it. That’s what the weekly points are for. Then I just get back to it. The scale isn’t the only factor, it’s how you feel both physically and emotionally. Don’t give up, you can do it.  
+97 votes
by (1.3k points)
We all feel the same Kelley. it is a journey. My ‘trick’ was to set 5 pound goal increments and then it was easier to achieve. A large goal is overwhelming. I slowly make lifestyle changes such as exercising (walking 30 min/day 3 days a week and over a year increased it to 5-6 times a week. The weight came off slowly but it has stayed off as I didn’t set unrealistic expectations. ‘Baby steps’ and be kind to yourself. You are beautiful and can do this
+88 votes
by (1.2k points)
I stay for the meetings. You sound exactly like me. I stay for the meeting to gain motivation. I just restarted again for what feels like the 100th time also. My ww group is very positive.  
+70 votes
by (1.3k points)
One day at a time
+64 votes
by (2k points)
Yes you can do this
+84 votes
by (5.5k points)
BELIEVE! I think it all starts with the right mind set and change one habit at a time. You don’t have to give up any foods you love. You just have to learn balance and figure out how to stick within your “food budget”. And still have the foods you love within reason. The lifestyle changes are what will make this a lifetime thing.  
+97 votes
by (4.3k points)
So here is how I do it. and this is my opinion: I’m celebrating a year of dedication this month. In my journey, I have learned to satisfy every craving. The key is managing appropriately. I balance out my “bad” eating habits with portioning the healthy foods but also adding exercise. I still eat regular foods, but adjust my day to what my craving may be. I eat pizza like once a week or once every other week, Chinese/Japanese, etc. the ultimate thing I look at and that keeps me going is why am I doing this. it’s because I choose me. I want to love me. So far, I’ve lost 69. 5 lbs and have roughly 10. 5 more to go to reach my goal weight. I am 5”1’ and started at 215 lbs.  
by (1.3k points)
@mistrust671 awesome job!  
by (4.3k points)
@verner thank you. My mom is very similar with your struggles. The most important thing is knowing that you don’t have to cut anything out, but just add in fruits and veggies. The “junk” food is still eatable, but just make sure to practice portion control.  
+89 votes
by (3.4k points)
I understand. I just quit my first time and gained half my 60 pound weight loss back. I’m trying to reel it in and get refocused on me but I have a lot of stress which makes me want to eat.  
+69 votes
by (1.8k points)
Tell yourself it’s hard to change your diet but even harder to be heavy
+71 votes
by (1.7k points)
This is so me! I do well then go right back to my old eating habits! Most times I just feel I won’t be able to do it
+83 votes
by (1.3k points)
Focus on a healthier, happier you. Have small goals 5 or 10 lbs. Think of it not as a "diet" but as a new way to eat. This weight wasn't gained in a day and you are not going to lose it in a day. Take a daily walk even if you can't go too far yet. Everything you do is for you and not anyone else. You can do this!  
+88 votes
by (1.3k points)
My husband gained so much weight after brain surgery because of his maintenance. But now he is going back on his track because of Keto. I also using it and I lost 5kilos from my pregnancy after 2 months of using it. Might help for you.  
+89 votes
by (1.3k points)
It is an addiction. You have to change your patterns. Start small and work your way into it. I get emotional I want to eat. So I have learned I have to recognize it and find something else to do when emotional. Like clean or exercise. I also find if I crave something to feed it with a small amount, so I don't eat everything in sight trying to get to that one item. If I would have ate it in the first place than I wouldn't eat all the other crap, the thing is not to keep it in your house, go out and get a single serving of it. Your addiction is a mind game you set up for yourself, now you have to create a new version. Find healthy things that you know you enjoy and try to make those the things you crave instead. Counseling is also an option, as you seem to have low self-esteem and that could be your trigger of emotion. When I would get low blows from my ex I would want to eat. He would knock me to make himself feel better, and keep me from improving on myself. Find your strength.  
+94 votes
by (1.4k points)
You need to do the low carb, kinda keto type diet. Very Easy, Very Simple. and all of the things you have had all the time. Just, No; Bread, Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, No sugar( except I have one coffee each morning, adding 1 sugar. No processed foods. Take note: Check all labels for Carbs. hidden sugar. Must be very low, in order to put it in my body. 1 month for me so far. Don’t even crave sweets or white food. Kinda makes me sick to know I put all this Shit into my body. I don’t weigh myself. I can just feel my stomach and fat disappearing. Finally, one time in my life, and I have taken control of it. #veryveryproud #gonnafeelgoodaboutmylifeforonce #yougothisgirl!  
+89 votes
by (2.2k points)
You can season your chicken and veggies to taste like pizza. fat free mozzarella is 0 pts. I still have wine. I add crystal light to my water. I am on blue and I love this program. This new program is sooo much easier than ANY other program. Using zero points food (chicken and turkey breast, fish 0 points. ). Take a deep breath. You CAN do this. The motivational tools they use are amazing. Charms, earning points for tracking, etc. Hang in there!  
+66 votes
by (1.5k points)
You can have everything you love even wine in moderation
+79 votes
by (2.4k points)
It's just food. find ito d something else to make you happy. A good friend helps as a healthy eating buddy
+84 votes
by (10.1k points)
The progressive nature of food addiction guarantees that you'll always put on more pounds than you weighed before. I know cause I've been there. There's no magic here it's hard work and you need to go through the shitty part to get to the good part.  
+90 votes
by (5k points)
First of all, hug yourself. You're strong enough to have lost 50lbs! Giving up our favorite foods isn't easy for anyone. There are many very comparable alternatives. I just tried really yummy cauliflower gnocchi from Trader Joe's with vegan pesto. I eat lot of eggs, fruit, veggies. I found brown rice crumbs for frying they're close to bread crumbs. Lots of crunchy salads. Gluten free pretzels and crackers and hummus. I want the weight loss more than junk food. You can do this! You're not alone!  
+71 votes
by (3k points)
Omg if you can find the answer can you please tell me! Same problem for like 7 years
+77 votes
by (2.7k points)
Keep going on dear let's do it together maybe it helps coz I love to eat too supper time
+98 votes
by (1.4k points)
It is a daily struggle but is definitely something that can be done. You need to start putting yourself first and remind yourself why you are choosing grilled chicken over pizza. Lean new recipes. I have pizza all the time but the difference is mine are hand made at home from scratch. Yes, it is so much easier to call and order pizza for pick up but I'm putting myself first and controlling my points and not handing that over to anyone. you got this - don't give up on you!  
+91 votes
by (1.2k points)
I’m sure this has already been said but we have all been here! It sucks that is for sure. I feel the same as you do. It’s definitely a never ending battle but one that is worth fighting. Don’t give up girlfriend!  
+80 votes
by (1.2k points)
Stop punishing yourself Kelley, changing your lifestyle takes a lifetime. Get back on track as soon as you know your off .  
+70 votes
by (1.3k points)
I feel this in my soul. Every word. The struggle is so real!  
+94 votes
by (5.9k points)
It’s not easy. I just keep trying. I compare it to a smoker. They may need to « quit » 30 times before it takes. I’m a food addict. that never goes away. I just keep trying until it sticks - hopefully one day. And I lost 40 lbs and put it back. It’s exhausting I know. It’s so much easier to just let go. but I remind myself of the price I will pay one day when my body says enough and I have a serious condition and would have wished I kept trying.  
by (1.3k points)
@kobayashi very well put
+82 votes
by (38.2k points)
Its a mentality. You can try 100 times and then on the 101st try, it just clicks. Check out a book on Amazon called Becks Diet Solution. Read the reviews. Many WW people use it. It helps you change the way we think about food and our habits. Your local library may have a copy. It can take a lot of time and patience. You did it before, you can do it again.  
+78 votes
by (2.9k points)
Revisit your reading material you got when you first joined. Be a new member again! I have a before pic in my weigh in book as a reminder of how far I've come. I'm a struggling lifetime member who has started over 100 times. Have your pizza and wine along with zero point foods. Plan for the foods you love. You are worth it. every time!  
+75 votes
by (4.3k points)
Do it with a friend. When you fall off the wagon, call your friend or call before you fall. Treat WW as AA
+80 votes
by (1.3k points)
Take one day at a time! You can do it!  
+76 votes
by (2.7k points)
Get your Mind in Gear, and it will be much easier.  
+69 votes
by (1.2k points)
It is hard!  
+98 votes
by (1.2k points)
Just start walking. 2 miles 3 x a week. After awhile you will want to increase because you will have so much energy and motivation. You will all the sudden find yourself really getting into the eating healthier because all the bad food will not give you the energy you crave. And, yes, you will start craving good food. Then at this point, you may want to work up to going on your first 3K, 5K. Find you something you are passionate for to raise money to help a program such as Alzheimer’s ( the one I do for my Mom who died from this horrific disease), Cancer, ALS, etc. there are so many who need help. I wish the best for you and whatever you choose to do with your journey!  
+50 votes
by (1.2k points)
I don’t think there’s an easy answer. I am just like you if not maybe worse and I haven’t found the right answer or the “ah hah” moment I’ve been waiting for. I think we just have to keep trying and not ever give up. If you want to team up and work together I’m here for you. Maybe we should start by just changing one bad habit? Focus on water intake for a couple of weeks and then add something else in. I know for me I want results instantly and I want to wake up skinny and healthy. But I’ve been over weight for 13 years so it’s not going to happen over night! ☺️
by (1.3k points)
@cockloft I want to wake up skinny too! Lol dang the luck!  
+92 votes
by (2.5k points)
Were all the same if you use it to your advantage never deprive yourself of the things you like iam on purple lots of free food and uses your points for the things you really like have a treat every day and still have points left over ive lost 7kg in 7 weeks i still have a drink on a weekend and never felt better this time around gud/luck with your journey  
+99 votes
by (1.5k points)
View your diet as a life style change. It takes time. View food as fuel. You wouldn't put corn syrup in the gas tank of your car because you know it would damage it. Once you start fueling your body with good food, the feeling you get from it will help keep you going. I use the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time I make very healthy food choices, I save the 20% for birthday cake or a cheat night. Many times when you are craving sweets and junk, you are actually thirsty. Drink a big glass of water and wait 15 minutes. Stay away from artificial sweetners. They are unhealthy and can trigger cravings. Hope that helps. Stay with it and remember nothing tastes as good as thin feels!  
+78 votes
by (3.1k points)
Make a pizza using a xtreme wrap I eat 2 when I make them bc they are low in points sometime I share 1. Have wine but have points for eat grilled chicken an salad an have wine. Try adding in exercise if you dont normally plan for 2xs an see if you can increase it another day or longer walk just make good changes when you can
+91 votes
by (17.3k points)
I have been where you are. At one point, I decided to just accept that I'm fat, I like to eat and oh well. Then last summer I realized I was sitting around binge watching TV and eating all the time. My sister told me she was going back to WW to get back to goal. She was only 10 lbs from goal and being back to lifetime. I needed to lose 95 lbs to get to the highest goal weight for my height on WW. I decided to try WW again and we also started going to water aerobics. Going to meetings and being accountable really did it for me. After a month, the weight loss was enough to keep me going. I struggled over Christmas and early January and just have been maintaining my loss. But I'm back on track now and I am determined to lose another 20 to 30 lbs to get to goal. I feel so much better and I don't care what anyone says, there is nothing like hearing the compliments and being able to wear regular misses size clothes instead of plus sizes. Sometimes you have to grit your teeth and just say "no" and not give into your cravings. It will always be a struggle for some of us.  
+84 votes
by (2.6k points)
My blood pressure is showing I had to be more serious. I totally quit drinking 3 years ago. My Mom had strokes, she’s gone now. Alcohol is a bad liar.  
+70 votes
by (1.8k points)
Stick to the points and add them when you have the good and bad food. Go to the meetings religiously for the support and just keep getting back on that horse.  
+93 votes
by (8.2k points)
It seriously depends on how badly you want to do it. It can be scary to think of keeping it off - we set ourselves up to be constantly losing, just to see progress, because we are afraid of having to keep it off. I am going through this right now. I have lost 45. I had lost 48. I have yoyo'd the last 3 lbs. This isn't easy, but maintaining is much harder. You can do it, but you have to sincerely want to. That is a mental breakthrough to get to. I am 2/3 through. I have been at lifetime before. I was a leader - I know how to do it. I also know how hard it is to keep off.  
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