+58 votes
by (2.2k points)
Does anyone think weight loss would be faster if large meal was lunch and lighter meal was dinner? Thank you in advance
Does anyone think weight loss would be faster if large meal was lunch and lighter meal was dinner?

31 Answers

+57 votes
by (4.8k points)
Best answer
I always lose better when I eat a lighter dinner “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper” as the old saying goes
by (730 points)
@aside same! I think of it almost like fasting.  
by (53.1k points)
@aside haha I just wrote the same thing a few posts down. Great minds think alike!  
+24 votes
by (31.1k points)
Why would that matter?  
+30 votes
by (3.8k points)
Thst is how I eat anyway. and losing 1 pound per week now. 1. 85 average over 7 weeks.  
+50 votes
by (700 points)
No, I don’t believe that. Or the stopping at a certain time every night. I have a snack at night every day and I’m losing very consistently. Weighed in this morning and lost 3. 4 lbs last week.  
+48 votes
by (1.1k points)
I think you would lose weight faster switching those two meals.  
+61 votes
by (5.4k points)
It has always helped me
+74 votes
by (5.6k points)
I have wondered if this would help, but i usually feel tired after a big meal and i would probably get the munchies in the evening. have always eaten main meal at night even when a child (mother cooked for when my father came home from work and all the family were together)
+58 votes
by (7.7k points)
Yes I would do that but would have to reverse a life long habit
+51 votes
by (53.1k points)
There is an old saying that says "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. "
+39 votes
by (27.2k points)
That’s what the European do! It might work!  
+40 votes
by (37.2k points)
I actually do this. Good breakfast bigger lunch lighter dinner and nighttime treat. A couple of fruits in between
+29 votes
by (3.3k points)
I eat my large as brunch. everyday
+6 votes
by (71.6k points)
Faster? WW is a alow process not a race. It doesn't end once you reach your goal weight and Lifetime. Keep your expectations reasonable and realistic or else you'll burn out, get annoyed and quit.  
by (2.2k points)
@pervious thank you and I absolutely understand the lifestyle change. I didn’t mean it like that;)
by (71.6k points)
@agent I understand exactly how you feel. I was the same way and kept quitting because it was taking SOOO long. However once I decided not to quit and keep going no matter how many gains and loses I had. I reached goal in a year. 26 years later still work hard at it every day. Just breathe, follow WW guidelines and remain persistent and consistent. You'll ge there.  
+42 votes
by (8k points)
I wish I could, but I bring things for lunch and don't have time to stop and eat it, so I end up munching on carrot slices in the afternoon, then starving when I get home at 6:30
+54 votes
by (1.7k points)
I stop eating by 6:30. My dinner is lighter also
+41 votes
by (29.5k points)
Twist it around and see change things up
+55 votes
by (5.9k points)
Yes, did this yesterday, worked out great!  
+50 votes
by (3.3k points)
Yes. Hard to do tho
+47 votes
by (8k points)
What ever works for you and your family is what you do meal wise— we are retired so ours is breakfast, main meal lunch and a very light supper.  
+44 votes
by (10.8k points)
I don’t eat lunch, so my large meal is definitely dinner!  
+37 votes
by (3.2k points)
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. An oldie but a goodie
+58 votes
by (6k points)
I do that -- usually I am not hungry for dinner -- I eat a larger lunch. works well for me - down over 54 lbs
+68 votes
by (2.6k points)
Works for me. Dinner between 2 & 3. Snack at 6, however we're retired. Schedule makes a difference
by (840 points)
@pommel me too
+32 votes
by (57.7k points)
I don’t know about weight loss, but I feel better doing that.  
+69 votes
by (4k points)
When I was in WW a long time ago, I remember this question being asked. They said eat when you are hungry. Someone was saying they always wanted cereal right before bed. They said it did not matter what time you ate it.  
+42 votes
by (690 points)
Not sure but I have stopped snacking at night and it had helped  
+42 votes
by (2.9k points)
For sure. The old adage, “Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at noon, and a pauper at dinner. ”
+21 votes
by (3k points)
No breakfast, sometimes lunch most pts dinner lost 64 pds
+64 votes
by (3.6k points)
I would rather eat larger at lunch and lite for dinner Are you doing intermittent fasting
by (2.2k points)
@philippopolis0 I wasn’t because I don’t eat lunch and dinner until late but that’s what I am going to try with the new lite dinner plan. so maybe 7-7. we will see. it’s all a trial and error. I have been peri menopausal for almost 6 yrs. so my body truly has a mind of its own . even with clean eating for so many years the weight still keeps coming. but I am determined to keep trying
+27 votes
by (600 points)
I reversed to change my Plateau
+6 votes
by (1.7k points)
I once heard some good advice : you should eat like a long in the morning a Prince at noon , & a pauper in the evening . I no longer eat a big meal for supper.  
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