+16 votes
by (700 points)
My brain is telling me to buy healthy food on my payday but then my gut is selling me to buy all the clearance Easter candy. . Don’t I get an excuse since I don’t get Easter baskets anymore?  
My brain is telling me to buy healthy food on my payday but then my gut is selling me to buy all the

16 Answers

+10 votes
by (7.5k points)
Nope. Candy will always be there. You can do this. Yummy fruit, veggiea, eggs. there are so many good things out there to make sure you stick around for a Happy healthy life. You got thiss.  
+4 votes
by (2.6k points)
I bought one Reese's egg and went on my way. It's something I really enjoy and felt like I participated in the clearance but it's only one. I won't see these bad boys until October.  
+9 votes
by (6.4k points)
You could always buy it and donate the bag(s) to any essential business!  
0 votes
by (200 points)
Think of it like this. Every excuse is one more pound to get off. Not worth it. I found out it take me 4 hard eating and working out days to get off one bad eat day. You can do it. Just get some celery and put peanut butter on it for ur candy fix. Add sugar free chocolate syrup on top of fruit.  
+6 votes
by (1.8k points)
How about a compromise and buy some candy and the rest healthy food
+6 votes
by (14k points)
This happened to me yesterday. sosomeone at work made homemade chocolate chip cookies, they were still warm! They kept egging me on to have one, just one. I typed it into my WW app and realized I could never eat one, . maybe two, three or four but never just one. by the time I kept swirling it in my head, I no longer wanted the one cookie, so I ate my apple. I won the weight pool at work and took $100 bucks from those bitches!  
+1 vote
by (1.2k points)
Same here. But I did manage to walk away from the Easter candy because I had eaten every piece in my house!  
+2 votes
by (2.3k points)
Stay strong!  
+5 votes
by (4.2k points)
Nope, no way! If you want it, plan for it, save a couple SP each day, then have it. Remember WW is a lifestyle, not a diet. Log everything you eat and drink. Good luck, enjoy your journey!  
+3 votes
by (3.9k points)
If you have a craving you need to satisfy it just get something small enjoy it, count it and move on. If you don't satisfy the craving you will over eat on other things trying to be satisfied. Hope this makes sense.  
+2 votes
by (6.6k points)
I’m so glad I don’t like sweet things! My prob is the fats and carbs.  
+11 votes
by (380 points)
Absolutely. Buy all that Easter candy!  
+4 votes
by (8k points)
Well, I caved in and ate jelly beans--not just a few either. The small bag showed up on my scales this week for weigh in ☹️☹️ Now my sugar fix is OVER!  
+13 votes
by (16k points)
Don’t do it!  
+9 votes
by (5.2k points)
Yes my scale is reflecting all my jelly Bean binges!  
+1 vote
by (1.3k points)
What I usually do is buy the solid chocolates on sale break down into smaller pieces and put them in my freezer. to be used later as chocolate dip for fruits.  
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