+2 votes
by (1.4k points)
What flowers/plants would you suggest to put in the decking flower bed? Roughly know how I want to plant them just don’t know what to buy lol. Excuse the mess. not tided up properly yet, and the xmas bedding still ‍♀️
What flowers/plants would you suggest to put in the decking flower bed?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (510 points)
Best answer
I'm not interested in anything other than your Christmas bedding  I put mine on today  
by (1.4k points)
@enoch10 I haven’t changed the bedding since putting it on at Christmas. wash the bedding weekly and still can’t be bothered to change the bedding haha! Might aswel leave it on now, closer to Xmas  
by (510 points)
@levo473 I've warned my dad that if lockdown goes on much longer, I'm putting the decs up. any excuse! Plant wise though. fuschias, lupins, petunias, Lobelia, Alliums, geraniums etc  
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