+7 votes
by (1.7k points)
PLEASE can anyone Help?  What has happened to my Acer.PLEASE can anyone Help? What has happened to my Acer. Last week it was growing lovely, and now all the leaves are shrivelled up and crispy. Is it Dying?. Please can you advise me on what to do?.  
PLEASE can anyone Help?  What has happened to my Acer.

7 Answers

+9 votes
by (660 points)
Best answer
Water water and water. Plus put it in a larger pot. I have 6 Acers of different types and they all like their drink and root freedom . Although the roots are not damaging to any structure as they are not big/ heavy enough.  
+5 votes
by (4.5k points)
Wind or not enough water x
+5 votes
by (1.4k points)
Possibly frost damage
+7 votes
by (310 points)
Definitely dried out in the warm weather. Keep it well watered
+11 votes
by (640 points)
Two large Acers which are planted in our garden have gone like that. I was thinking they might not be getting enough water maybe. All our other trees are fine.  
+7 votes
by (330 points)
Give it epsomsalt
+6 votes
by (310 points)
Water well, and keep out of direct sun light , I lost one of mine this is the other one and I've just planted anther xx
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