+9 votes
by (240 points)
How do you mommas pay for unplanned medical bills? I just found out I may have thyroid cancer. Will know very soon. If I do it requires surgery. I have already racked up the bills due to multiple utrasounds and doctors visits in a short amount of time. We have such a huge deductable, we will be paying out of pocket for most of it. Tell me tips to pay for something like this.  
How do you mommas pay for unplanned medical bills?

7 Answers

+7 votes
by (600 points)
Best answer
Call the hospital and see if they have a plan that reduces bills due to income. Where I live in Rochester they call it “charity care”. It will take percentages off all bills through their hospital.  
+6 votes
by (270 points)
Appeal every denial ip to 2 times. Know what is covered and dont pay anything until you've exhausted appeals and reviews (if covered).  
+4 votes
by (230 points)
Negotiate your medical bills. I had a $700 bill and they lowered it to $200.  
+5 votes
by (320 points)
You can set up payment plans w the billing department of each office/hospital
+5 votes
by (320 points)
Not sure your financial situation but some hospital depending on your income have patient assistance.  
+6 votes
by (280 points)
I keep with the same "hospital" every time I get a bill I call and have it added to my payment plan. I currently have about 1800 in a 100 a month. Hope everything turns out for the best  
+5 votes
by (300 points)
I work at a hospital see about financial assistance it can wipe out the bills
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