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by (170 points)
I think I'm missing something here. Just set up the new app (transferred from Classic, as I only have a basic set up) and got everything working nicely, except. I have an automation set up to change the mode to 'Night' at 10pm (I only want my TV lightstrip to come on in the evenings, and not when I turn the TV on at night). This is the ONLY automation, scene, or activity that even mentions 'Night', yet at 10pm my TV (or whatever Harmony activity I'm using) turns off without warning. Nothing appears in the logs on IDE. The only thing I can see is that ST sends an 'off' command to Harmony at this time. Does the 'Night' mode do something like this automatically? Or have I missed something obvious? Note: I have deleted all automations from the Classic app, so it's not these interfering.  
I think I'm missing something here.

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