+31 votes
by (990 points)
Ok y’all I’m down 25 lbs with slip ups almost every week because I struggle at lunch working in an office setting because I don’t want to heat up smelly vegetables. So I don’t eat them and then I end up grabbing take out. I’m sure this has been asked but can I just eat raw at lunch, do they have to be cooked? I really need to start staying on plan and not slipping up. I’m paying way too much to keep doing damage control every week. Any input is much appreciated!  
Ok y’all I’m down 25 lbs with slip ups almost every week because I struggle at lunch working in

18 Answers

+26 votes
by (4.7k points)
Yes they can be raw.  
+15 votes
by (1.4k points)
Yes Raw is good. one of my favs is Jicama sticks. I was given this tip by a good friend. I take a teaspon of walden farms apple butter and a teaspoon of the strawberry jelly. Heat these up in the microwave for about 15 seconds. Put in my jicama sticks and cinnamon. Shake the tupperware so that all the jicama gets flavored. Super yummy
by (540 points)
Good idea! I also like them savory with taco seasoning.  
by (220 points)
Jicama is also great with a squeeze of lime juice and sprinkle of Tajin seasoning.  
+18 votes
by (910 points)
Yes definitely raw is all I eat for lunch! Salad and protein chips everyday for me.  
by (690 points)
@lohrman8230 same!  
+2 votes
by (270 points)
You could eat raw vegetables for dinner too. I dont recall seeing where it says you much cook them.  
by (990 points)
@baalman I didn’t think so but I wanted to check if there was some reason behind the cooked other than the 4 cups cooked daily thing.  
by (990 points)
@baalman I’m hooked on broccoli cauliflower rice for dinner so cooked at dinner is easy for me and I don’t have to worry about grossing people out with the smell.  
by (270 points)
@bluh348 I dont even think there is a minimum of 4 cups of cooked daily. There are 4 cups of select veggies that can be cooked but then it is only a maximum of 4 cups of cooked. Any veggie above that can be raw from the unlimited list of veggies.  
by (990 points)
@baalman ah got it.  
by (990 points)
@baalman I wonder if eating more raw veggies vs cooked will also help me speed up the weight loss since some cooked veggies have more carbs.  
by (270 points)
@bluh348 I am not too sure about that but I definitely think it is a maximum 4 cups cooked but not a minimum of 4 cups cooked. I rarely cook any vegetables as I prefer them fresh :)
by (1.6k points)
Remember that lettuce never counts as a veggie in your 4 cups daily. Another option is to make veggie soups for lunch that can be heated in the microwave (or even already heated in a thermos).  
by (270 points)
Yes it must be 4 cups of select and/or occasional vegetables a day but they can be raw or cooked. And then unlimited raw vegetables after that :)
+11 votes
by (440 points)
I just make spinach water and use for shakes or chili.  
by (990 points)
@riddance3675 I’ve been doing a bar or oatmeal for lunch, thinking I might incorporate a shake at lunch so I can add the spinach to it.  
+4 votes
by (320 points)
I work in an office as well and I don't think veggies are smelly. :-)
by (990 points)
@scatology A co-worker complained one day and it’s a small office setting.  
by (320 points)
@bluh348 well bummer. There's always one to ruin it for all! LOL
by (720 points)
@bluh348 Who cares! Enjoy your veggies and lunch. They’ll get over it. Unless you prefer raw, then go raw! Lol
by (270 points)
@scatology I have a difficult co worker who complained as well. It’s broccoli for goodness sake! I could really make it smell bad and burn popcorn!  
by (1.3k points)
@whitson or fish!  
by (170 points)
@whitson Yes & you work there too, so they need to be respectful.  
by (270 points)
@lydie lol good one! We’re talking snowflakes where everything is offensive. Smh
+15 votes
by (790 points)
I work at a garage. I always use raw spinach and peppers for my lunch veggies
+23 votes
by (920 points)
Do you like (raw) zucchini, or cucumber slices? You could do spinach salads, or pepper slices. I like blanched- so still crunchy. (and cold) asparagus. I have to take food to all day sporting events so I try to be cautious of smells.  
by (990 points)
@tiphani I’ve been eating things I never thought I liked so if I don’t like it I’m still going to eat it. Lol. How do you season your cold veggies or do you eat them plain?  
by (920 points)
@bluh348 yes, I eat raw zucchini, & cucumbers, the asparagus (lightly boiled-blanched), and raw peppers plain.  
+6 votes
by (810 points)
I was struggling the same. I started buying salad bags at sprouts and tossing the bags of toppings and dressings. A little salt and pepper. Sometimes my oil form the day. I keep a large lidded glass bowl in my desk and cut open the bag. I still eat with my friends but now stinky cabbage cauliflower and broccoli in the workroom. And no meal prep either because I buy them all shredded and sliced
by (1.5k points)
@refute I eat bag salads too. Very convenient and I only buy a few at a time so they’re fresh! (But my hubby’s retired and doesn’t mind going to the grocery )
by (810 points)
@freida lucky! I do better getting loads of veggies in at lunch.  
+14 votes
by (1.5k points)
I eat raw (a salad) every day for lunch!  
+18 votes
by (460 points)
I sauté my peppers with my salt and oil every morning and then put them with spinach and Walden farms balsamic dressing and mix them together at lunch
+17 votes
by (520 points)
Room temp pre cooked or raw non perishable veggies
+28 votes
by (1.4k points)
I love spinach salad with half of my meat protein as taco meat on it.  
+27 votes
by (520 points)
Absolutely you can eat raw veggies. I work in New Home Sales. having lunch in my model home. Cooked veggies in a model home is not a good smell. So, I have big yummy salads for lunch a lot! It works for me.  
by (360 points)
I was once told lettuce doesn’t count towards your 4 cups is this still true? I know it’s in the unlimited but if you didn’t have any other veggies for the day would 4 cups of lettuce satisfy the required 4 cups or not?  
by (360 points)
@corrincorrina thanks for clarifying.  
by (320 points)
+19 votes
by (440 points)
I don't eat my veggies at lunch unless it's soup. I usually do a salad and chips. Breakfast I have zucchini and yellow squash with an egg white, and then a packet later in the morning.  
+17 votes
by (690 points)
You can eat any veggie on the sheet raw, if you like  I eat cucumber, cauliflower, celery, peppers, pickles, tomatoes, broccoli and mushrooms. I am always changing it up so I don’t get bored. I prefer raw to cooked
0 votes
by (960 points)
My almost daily lunch is a large salad with lots of fresh veggies and a bag of protein chips. Nothing is cooked.  
by (510 points)
@isochronism93 same!  
+10 votes
by (800 points)
I only eat raw at lunch
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