+9 votes
by (1k points)
So today I’m faced with a challenge and could use some advise. We a going to small (just 4 of us) BBQ and they are serving ribs and paella. How do I get through this without going off protocol?  
So today I’m faced with a challenge and could use some advise.

9 Answers

+6 votes
by (4.6k points)
Make a pasta salad for yourself and a piece of chicken to bbq with sugar free BBQ sauce? If people ask just say you're making some changes to your diet for health reasons.  
+1 vote
by (1.7k points)
I am in the same boat. My plan is to schedule a drink right before so I’m not going hungry. I know my SIL is bringing a large salad so I’m planning on having a huge salad with some of the protein.  
+8 votes
by (10.7k points)
Rinse of the ribs. go into the kitchen and just do it// no harm no fowl. and enjoy. no need to announce it. have a kiddy cocktail. bring your own
+5 votes
by (1.1k points)
I would take your meal for the day and some veggies so that you aren’t just watching them eat. Just have to remind yourself why you started this diet and what your goal is. For myself at least I’ve noticed that when I made exceptions to go off protocol for gatherings it just wasn’t worth it at the end.  
+3 votes
by (30.7k points)
Bring your own meal that follows protocol and just explain you are on protocol
by (11.5k points)
@collectivity good idea . People have no idea what protocol means  
+1 vote
by (2.5k points)
Bring your own food and eat it. We are in a pandemic, blame it on that if you need an excuse.  
+1 vote
by (12.1k points)
Take a look at Janevas recipes. She has some BBQ. Yes, bring your own.  
+9 votes
by (11.5k points)
Say that your health and how you feel is much more important then that paella  I had my sons birthday and baked the cake from scratch when everyone said that I should have even a piece . I said that and they all shut up real quick  
+1 vote
by (3.9k points)
I carry a huge bottle of water and eat before I go. Then if I’m offered something off protocol, I say no thank you, I’m doing a detox.  
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