+16 votes
by (480 points)
Any successful IPers who have gone through protocol before have any tips on the last 10lbs? It seems like it’s taking FOREVER to lose the last 10.  
Any successful IPers who have gone through protocol before have any tips on the last 10lbs?

6 Answers

+5 votes
by (1.1k points)
Best answer
Go back to the basics - weigh and measure everything, eat the green and yellow IP foods, drink 100+ oz of water per day, make sure you are following the sheet 100% and you will lose it! :) Oh and stay positive! Positive body talk is effective!  
by (960 points)
Is there a list of the green and yellow IP foods? My coach has not received any new packaging yet. Thanks. (And I’m sure I can guess which ones are green ; )
by (960 points)
@station66 THANK YOU!  
by (4.4k points)
@station66 this is great. Wish I had seen this sooner. Figures my favorites, for the most part are the highest carb ones.  
by (1.1k points)
@pirate10 I am sorry you haven’t seen it sooner! Use it moving forward and it will help!  
+5 votes
by (3.2k points)
Oh man. i'd love to hear this. i have been STUCK on my last 10 as well. i feel ya. :/
+4 votes
by (3.7k points)
Week after week I have clients who complain about not losing enough weight. They swear up and down they are not “cheating”. I work diligently to try and find the culprit, which is not always evident on first glance. I have to act like a detective and ask question after question to get to the bottom of it. You would not believe what makes the difference between a one-pound week and a two-pound week. I promise you, it’s all in the details. Below are some of the questions I ask that might make you really look at your daily routine to see if some of these might be your issue. Trust me, it’s always something that blocks the scale. Although I don’t believe the scale is the only measure of success, I want clients to reach their goals. 1) Are you measuring out the oil you are using? We recommend no more than 2 teaspoons per day on the program I teach. 2) Are you measuring your meats and vegetables in raw weight? Are you eating red meat more than 2x per week, including ground red meat? 3) Are you looking at the actual ingredients in spices, dips, dressings and sauces? 4) How many meals do you eat out, or pick up, or drive through? It is amazing how many restaurants like to add sugars, fats and sodium to “grilled” items. If you look up the ingredients on the foods you are getting out, you will see ingredients like molasses, corn syrup solids, dextrose, and many other forms of hidden sugars. Beware! 5) Are you faithfully taking your vitamin regimen? If you are on an unbalanced diet, and you don’t take your supplements, you may see a slow down on the scale. Especially the salt! Measure the salt! USE IT! Can’t skip it! 6) Are you drinking enough water? At least 64 ounces, however some experts recommend ½ your body weight in ounces per day. 7) Are you eating too many foods with sucralose or other non-nutritive sweeteners? Too much of a good thing, is still too much. Watch how many packets of sweetener you add to coffee and teas, and other drinks and foods you consume. 8) Are you going more than 4 hours without eating something? Keeping the metabolism moving is important. 9) Are you eating all the vegetables and leafy greens on a daily basis? 10) Are you eating something within one hour of waking to jump start your metabolism? 11) Are you getting enough sleep? 12) What is your stress level like? Pay attention to this, and find ways to decompress. 13) Are you paying attention to the amount of caffeine you are drinking? And, what about the creamer/milk? The powdered creamers have hidden sugars and fats, and the half and half has too much fat while trying to lose weight. We recommend only one ounce per day. 14) Are you eating your whole food protein after 8pm? (If not a shift worker). 15) Are you on your “cycle”? Can block scale for 7-10 days. 16) Are you on Medication that might be “blocking scale”? Might need adjustments to meds such as BP or Sugar med. Also, over the counter meds like cough drops/ syrup etc. have hidden sugars. Also, NSAIDS, and antibiotics can retain fluid and make scale stay the same. 17) Have you travelled recently on a plane or a long car ride? Can hold fluid after a trip. 18) Are you having good elimination? You might need to add a probiotic and some enzymes to your daily routine to help get rid of the “junk” toxins that are releasing and being filtered in your liver. 19) Are you “over” exercising? Expending too much energy while in Ketosis can make your body hold weight, not give it up. And possibly cause some muscle to be used as fuel. 20) Sometimes, it’s just a week when your body is reshaping and holding muscle, but you are still burning fat. You will know this by your body fat, and measurements! These are just some of the reasons why the scale might not move as fast as you would like. Pay attention to the details and you might get more to drop!  
by (2k points)
@demakis I agree. There’s no way one cannot lose if you are truly ‘eating the sheet’. Acknowledge it. Own it. Move on.  
by (480 points)
@demakis thanks so much!  
by (310 points)
@demakis thank you for taking the time to write this. You're dedicated and appreciated
by (1.3k points)
Wow that is so nice of you to add all these thoughts in! Great ideas. Thank you!  
by (3.7k points)
@storyteller7919 Thank you very much! I am VERY passionate for sure!  
by (110 points)
@demakis Thank you!  
by (11.4k points)
@koren I’m 100% and I’m down to my last few pounds and in the past 4 weeks I lost 1. 6 pounds total. I think on occasion our bodies just stall.  
+12 votes
by (4.4k points)
I really wish focus was on something other than the number on the scale. I’ve been stuck on my last 10 pounds as well, but, I only have measurements taken once every 4 weeks and in that time where I haven’t lost any pounds my waist has fone down an inch and a half aNd my hips 2. I should celebrate that, but feel like a failure because of the “number”.  
by (480 points)
@pirate10 I agree but when your inches aren’t going down either it makes it hard and the first thing you want to see move is the scale.  
by (11.4k points)
@pirate10 My story today: We all reflect on the dreaded scale. since beginning the program (8/6) I have been 100%, I’ve loss 84. 9 pounds in those 6 months but in the last month, I only loss 1. 6 pounds. I’ve racked my brain, searched my logs and to no fault of mine can I figure this out. I was feeling so discouraged, I’m less than 25 pounds to my goal weight of 160. I was feeling like a failure and ready to just give up! However, after comparing my measurements from 8/6 to today I’m feeling great about myself. I know I personally focus so much on the scale and need to look more at the whole picture. #wegotthis #weareworthit SW: 269 CW: 184. 5 GW: 160 Arms 15. 5 - 10. 5 Chest 46. 5 -38. 0 Waist 49. 0 - 33. 5 Hips 56. 5 - 40 Thighs 25. 5 - 20
+2 votes
by (580 points)
Eat no later than 6pm. Maybe?  
+5 votes
by (580 points)
My goal weight was 120, I ended at 131, my body said your done after 8 weeks at the same weight. Don't make yourself crazy.  
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