+10 votes
by (2.4k points)
I am on phase 1 week 3 diet I lost 6 lb at week 1 4 lb at week 2 and only 1 lb at this week which is 3rd week I am disappointed , any advice why I am not losing this week ?  
I am on phase 1 week 3 diet I lost 6 lb at week 1 4 lb at week 2 and only 1 lb at this week which is

8 Answers

+4 votes
by (880 points)
Best answer
Do not let it distract you. My Ip coach said when we shock our system with significant weightloss out body gets confused. It will get back on track for you. Besides women only lose 2 to 3 a wk and men 5. Keep your head up, u r doing great
by (2.4k points)
@lermontov this is the 3rd day on week 3 and only 1 lb , and I am following exactly what the pharmacist told me to eat  
+3 votes
by (7.8k points)
I was the same way- but now I’m 6 weeks in and down 21lbs. - half way to my goal. I average about 2. 5# a week. Stick with it.  
+1 vote
by (550 points)
Dud you gain muscle instead ? That’s what I did
by (2.4k points)
@pernod is it good or not ?  
by (550 points)
@inge3 that’s good
by (550 points)
@inge3 you lost fat. Still just gained the muscle you want the muscle is what I was told
+4 votes
by (970 points)
Mine was the same. Week 3&4 were lower losses. Then week 5 was a big loss. It totally fluctuates based on hormones etc. Keep it up, you're doing great. Won't be big numbers every week.  
+7 votes
by (3.7k points)
If you're not journaling, start doing it. Then, you can be aware of what works and what doesn't work for you.  
by (2.4k points)
@compensatory I am journaling
by (3.7k points)
@inge3 can you notice the difference between the weeks you lost more from the week you lost less? How different was your eating?  
by (2.4k points)
@compensatory the same chicken breast , vegetables , protein bars and protein cereal this is all
by (3.7k points)
@inge3 if the eating is similar, it might be your body adjusting to the new diet. Stick with it!  
by (2.4k points)
@plectrum99 @compensatory thanks for your great advices , I will keep updating
+9 votes
by (2.4k points)
Thanks for the encouragement  I will keep updating
+8 votes
by (5.5k points)
I had the same result on my 4th week. I started paying attention to which foods & IP foods helped me lose weight faster. I try new recipes just after my weigh in, eat those foods that I like earlier in the week and eat those that help speed weight loss closer to my weigh in. It's different for each person. For example, a good cut of steak helps me lose weight while others say they stay away from red meat. Hope that helps!  
by (2.4k points)
@brucebrucellosis chicken breast , vegetables and the protein bars and protein chips with supplement , that is all what I eat for now as I am in phase 1
by (5.5k points)
@inge3 I'm in phase one too. There are more protein options available.  
by (5.5k points)
Recipes are from Janeva's book - all Phase 1
by (2.4k points)
I didn't get this book , where can I order it from?  
by (5.5k points)
@inge3 My coach at Pharmasave sold it to me. I understand it's available through Janeva's website: www. janevaskitchen. com which I hear is much cheaper than Amazon. Hope this helps! She's a lifesaver.  
by (2.4k points)
@brucebrucellosis I will ask my pharmacist if she doesn't carry it then I will order it from the website you gave me , is this the cover of it ?  
by (5.5k points)
@inge3 This is the cover of the one I have.  
by (2.4k points)
@brucebrucellosis I found it in Amazon , 94$ not prime , I will look for it cheaper
by (2.4k points)
@brucebrucellosis thank you ❤️
+8 votes
by (34k points)
You lost 11 pounds in three weeks which is ABOVE the average loss of 2-3 per week/10 per month. It is also typical to have a low or no loss week in week 3 and/or 4 as your body adjusts to this new eating plan. NEVER look at any single week. Some weeks are more, some are less, some are none, some are a slight uptick. You are looking at averages, not individual weigh ins. Be SURE you are measuring for inches lost which are far more important in seeing actual fat loss.  
by (2.4k points)
@footrope this is fabulous advice , thanks ❤️
The Ideal Protein Protocol Group is where you can always find questions, answers, advice, reviews & recommendations from other community members about recipes, tips, and support for Phase 1 of the Ideal Protein Protocol.